Transactions on Additive Manufacturing Meets Medicine
Vol. 6 No. S1 (2024): Trans. AMMM Supplement

Printed Electronics, ID 1801

Steps towards printed electronics on silicone rubber for active implantable medical devices (AIMD)

Main Article Content

Theodor Doll (MHH), Adrian Onken (MHH), David Skvorc (MHH), Minh-Haj Nguyen (MHH), Leo Sievert (MHH), Cestmir Vejmola (NUDZ), Verena Scheper (MHH)


We report the current state of the art and novel approaches in additive manufacturing AIMD devices including electrodes, wires and electronics in silicone rubber encasements.

Article Details

How to Cite

Doll, T., Onken, A., Skvorc, D., Nguyen, M.-H., Sievert, L., Vejmola, C., & Scheper, V. (2024). Steps towards printed electronics on silicone rubber for active implantable medical devices (AIMD). Transactions on Additive Manufacturing Meets Medicine, 6(S1), 1801.