As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
The submission file is in pdf document file format.
All authors are informed about the content of the submission and agree to it.
The university supervisor is also informed about the content of the submission and agrees to it.
The text complies with the stylistic and bibliographical requirements described in the given template and adheres to the given structure.
- You must use the latex template. You can find it here: and in the moodle course
- The article must be 4 pages long, i.e., neither 3 nor 5 pages.
- In the affiliation section of the article (directly under the authors on the first page), the institutions of the authors are requested. You yourselves will be specified as students of Medical Engineering Science/Medical Informatics/Biomedical Engineering/Auditory Technology/Biophysics/Robotics and Autonomous Systems/Medical Microtechnology/Psychology - Cognitive Systems (only use the one corresponding to your study program). Please adhere exactly to the template.
- In the Acknowledgements, state where you have completed the internship and, in the case of an external internship, the institution of your university advisor. Here, please adhere also exactly to the template.